I remember when I first started networking to promote my business and how little I knew about the whole process. You see, a business mentor said to me “Dawn, you’re chatty and outgoing, networking is probably the best way to get out there”! So, I took these words to heart and started investigating just where I could go. Note to self at this point, I was so focused on where, I totally disregarded d why and HOW! I was exceptionally lucky and found a local networking group who were welcoming, warm and approachable. Importantly, they were focused on connection and education – how lucky for me! Feeling I had got the hang of this networking malarkey, I ventured further to other groups which, while friendly, we really very focused on selling to the room. Now everyone works differently but this feel uncomfortable to me – this was a room of total strangers so why would they want to buy from me and why would I want them to invest in my programmes? Luckily, not all groups or fellow “networkees” were like that so I learned some important lessons about networking and myself!
I realized that the most important element of networking was to, yes, you’ve got it, to grow my network. These are colleagues that can help me with business challenges; that I can refer business to as I know in detail what they provide and how they do it. Importantly, they have developed a relationship with me and also know what my services are and how I deliver them which makes it easier for them to refer people to me. So, what are the top three tips for success I promised you?
1. Research groups thoroughly before committing to one – most groups allow you to visit twice before making a decision to join – take advantage of that and checkout if the vibe in the room suits you.
2. Prepare to listen as well as speak. Ensure you can give a brief overview of what you do and who your work benefits so whoever you speak to gets it.
3. Breathe, relax and go with an open mind – you never know who you might meet that can help you.
You may be disappointed that I haven’t given you tips about the dreaded 60 seconds – that will come in another post!
If you would like to have a chat about your networking journey, DM below and let’s open the conversation!
Dawn Gregory from The Confident Speaker, helping you communicate with confidence, clarity, grace and purpose.